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optical equipment appraisals & estimate service

Optical Equipment Services > Optical Equipment Appraisals & Estimates

service briefing


Have you ever thought of having your equipment appraised? Is your exam and pretest equipment properly insured in the event of loss? The Optical Interchange can help!

You might want to consider having a current market value appraisal done before a catastrophic event (ie. Flood, Fire) or practice dissallusionment. Appraisals done after the fact can be inaccurate and may result in a greater loss.

The Optical Interchange can provide you with a current market value appraisal that you can keep and/or give to your insurance provider from them to keep on file.

We can provide an on-site appraisal for one low price of $295.00 per exam room.
We are recognized as industry experts in appraising optical and exam room equipment. Our experience extends throughout the entire range of optical equipment including but not limited to:

  • Chairs & Stands
  • Phoroptors
  • Tonopens
  • Slit Lamps
  • Dispensary Room Equipment
  • Hand Instruments
  • Lab Equipment
  • and more...

If you are an Optician, Optometrist, or an Opthalmologist looking to have your optical equipment appraised we offer a professional appraisal service. This is ideal for insurance purposes, business or partnership disolusionment, or to establish a fair market value or your optical and exam room equipment.

Our certified appraisal reports are valid documents for lawyers, insurance agencies and accountants.

service benefits

  • In the event of a catastrophic event (flood, fire, etc.), you will receive an estimate of a fair market value at the time of loss.
  • At the time of insurance renewal our appraisal service can provide an accurate assessment of your equipment values.
  • If you're in the market to purchase a pre-existing practice, we can provide you with a written appraisal to establish a fair market value of the equipment included in the business.
  • In the event of a partnership disolutionment or closing of your practice, you can be provided a written appraisal for fair market value.
  • Unbiased appraisal to limit inflated or de-flated prices of your exam room equipment.
  • Avoid having to be dissatisfied with the unprofessional opinion of your insurance company when you do not have a professional appraisal to refer to in the event something catastrophic does occur.

how to order